Alone in Houston

Personal Diary and Product Recommendations of things I purchase.

This is how it all started…

Growing up, I was constantly told that all of the time spent on the computer playing video games would never amount to anything. My mother often wondered aloud if her children would ever become independent. I believe the exact phrase she used was, ‘What will you ever do without me?’

Eventually, she got what she wanted. With a chip on my shoulder, I became completely independent

Today, I work full-time remotely from my one-bedroom apartment. I can’t directly attribute my role as a Software QA Analyst to video games, but it certainly equipped me with the skills necessary to figure out how to achieve it without a college degree

With this blog, I aim to start a diary capturing the journey I took to get to this point and to share my thoughts and experiences with anyone who is interested in reading

Thanh Tran

First Generation Vietnamese American

  • Entree 1 | The First 8 Years

    The Vietnam War ended long before I was born so the pain and suffering was all endured by my parents, aunts and uncles. I didn’t know about war until I arrived in the states. My grandma’s oldest son had successfully escaped by boat and eventually started making enough money to fly his brother’s and sister’s…

    CONTINUE READING: Entree 1 | The First 8 Years